2019 Athletic Hall of Fame
Perry Esterline 1932 Football, Basketball, and Track
Herman Friedrich 1937 Football, Basketball, and Track
Charles Ellenwood 1951 Football, Basketball, and Track
Bob Ewing 1953 Football, Basketball, and Track
Mike Bedree 1965 Basketball
Don Baldwin 1966 Track, Cross Country, and Basketball
Carol Nelson Bolton 1984 Volleyball, Basketball, and track
Von Ganaway 1989 Football and Wrestling
Dean Slavens Coach Cross Country, basketball, track, and football
Hilda Schwen Coach Swimming, baseball, Volleyball, and GAA
Top row: Dean Slavens, Von Ganaway, Carol Nelson Bolton, and Don Baldwin
Middle row: Michelle Smith representing her father Mike Bedree, Paul Ewing representing his father Bob Ewing, Natalie Hilger representing her father Charles Ellenwood, and David Friedrich representing his father Herman Friedrich
Bottom row: Tonya Burns representing Hilda Schwen and Steve Esterline representing his father Perry Esterline
Middle row: Michelle Smith representing her father Mike Bedree, Paul Ewing representing his father Bob Ewing, Natalie Hilger representing her father Charles Ellenwood, and David Friedrich representing his father Herman Friedrich
Bottom row: Tonya Burns representing Hilda Schwen and Steve Esterline representing his father Perry Esterline