North Side High School - Distinguished Alumni
Nominations are accepted throughout the year for alumni that members determine as deserving for the annual Distinguished Alumni Award. Award(s) will be presented during a special breakfast held on a biannual basis in the spring.
Nomination forms must be received by the
North Side High School Alumni Association
by January 1st.
Nomination forms must be received by the
North Side High School Alumni Association
by January 1st.
List of Previous Year Winners
2016 Honorees
Cheri Becker, 1968
Craig Johnson, 1985
Kevin Wall, 1970
2015 Honorees
Walter Helmke, 1946
Fred Toenges, 1946
Kenneth Lee, 1961
Anthony (Richards) Didier, 1978
2014 Honorees
Thomas Adams - 1955
H. David Fiandt - 1964
Ronald Trowbridge - 1956
2013 Honorees
Dr. Froncie A. Gutman ~ 1952
Hon. David M.L. Lindahl ~ 1962
2012 Honorees
Craig Hamilton, MD - 1967
Keith Hanson - 1961
Sandra L. Jessie - 1970
Jean (Hyndman) Mendenhall - 1956
Cornelia Shideler - 1954
2011 Honorees
Major General Jack Bradshaw - 1954
Amy (Fremion) Chappell, MD - 1969
Jacob Feichter - 1935
Neil E. Lantz - 1956
John R. Sinks, Jr. - 1948
\2010 Honorees
Keith E. Busse - 1961
Sandra S (Sheehan) Getts - 1964
Edwin J. Rousseau - 1951
Dan F. Wire - 1972
2009 Honorees
Robert G. Cowan, EdD - 1941
Mary (Poe) Menge Scrogham - 1956
David Carpenter - 1957
Dixie L. Durr, PhD - 1958
Michael A Ray - 1961
Tarmara S. Zahn - 1971
Gabriel L. Shaheen - 1972
Fred D Kreamelmeyer, EdD - 1972
Alan W. McGee, MD - 1975
Charles C. Savage - 1994
2008 Honorees
Max P. Shambaugh - 1940
Ian M Roland - 1951
David A. Bleeke, DDS - 1954
Richard W. Snyder - 1956
Ronald A. Flickinger - 1962
2007 Honorees
Patty A. (Payne) Martone, EdD - 1949
William C. Lee - 1955
Robert S. Walters - 1959
Paul Helmke - 1966