2021 Golf Outing Information and Registration Form
The alumni board approved going ahead with the annual Golf Outing at their January meeting. We have set the date as July 24. We will again be playing at Riverbend Golf Course. Unlike past years we are scheduled in the morning. For those of you who are unfamiliar with our outing, it is a scramble with four to a team. We do a shotgun start. In the first year we had 19 teams. In 2019 we had 25 teams. With 18 holes that means there is always going to be a little waiting, but we seem to do pretty well.
It is suggested that teams have one North Side grad or staff member. The rest of the team is up to you. We have had teams that are all family members. We give awards to the top two teams, the last place team, closest to the pin, and longest drive. After the round we have a meal that is a part of the entry fee. This year Big Eyed Fish will bring their food truck. The entry fee will stay the same as the last outings - $60 a person. Because this is outside and we are spread out, the only times we really see an issue with Covid restrictions is during registration and the meal afterward. But, we do have plans for both, so we hope that you will be interested in joining us. We also need to have hole sponsors. We hope that you will want to sponsor one of the 18 holes. On the form in this issue, just fill out the information and send $50. In 2019 we had all 18 holes sponsored. The money collected from hole sponsorship helps us to fund the Alumni Association Grant Program which has supported athletic teams, fine arts programs, classrooms, and community programs that help Kids Surviving Cancer and the Food Bank through Canstruction. For the first time, one of the holes is being sponsored by a family who are remembering their family member who died from Covid. There are two forms that go along with this article. The first is for you to indicate your interest in playing in the Golf Outing. The second is for those of you who would like to sponsor a hole.
Last year we began having local businesses sponsoring holes. The proceeds from these sponsorships will be used for the Alumni Patio The cost of hole sponsorship is $50 which includes the sign on the hole of your choosing (if available) and a thank you mention in our newsletter, Totem Tales, and recognition on our web page and social media. Deadline for sponsorship is July 14th. If you would like to sponsor a hole, please fill out the form below and send a check to North Side High School Alumni Association 475 E State Blvd. Fort Wayne, In 46805